91% of Girls Say Higher Confidence is Directly Related to Mentorship - Être Did the Math

It’s here.

With the definitive clang of a morning locker slamming shut, Être’s brand new survey The Current State of Girls’ Confidence: How Mentors are Slamming the Confidence Gap Shut Like Lockers was released at 8 am ET today (see the press release here), and I couldn’t be more thrilled.

I used to wonder when we brought girls into boardrooms: Is this confidence boom we see just anecdotal? Could we measure it? And how much of a role in girls’ confidence does the introduction to early mentors play?

The best way to solve a problem is to do the math, and that’s just what we did.

Teaming up once more with YPulse, the leading authority on Gen-Z and Millennials, Être commissioned a new national survey of 1000+ girls to measure the current state of girls’ confidence and the impact of mentorship, and some of the numbers were staggering.

Here’s what we learned, see what you think:

Between 13 and 18 girls’ confidence drops by 20%

Between 13 and 18 the percentage of girls who say they feel smart drops by 50%

Between 13 and 18 the percentage of girls who say they feel optimistic drops by 52%

Between 13 and 18 the percentage of girls who say they feel anxious rises by 88%

Between 13 and 18 the percentage of girls who say they feel stressed rises by 241%

But the survey also uncovered some very good news:

91% of girls believe that higher confidence is directly related to mentorship.

Moreover, while the increases in stress and anxiety are staggering, girls with mentors are more confident making new friends (89% vs 79% without mentors) and speaking in public (75% vs 50% without mentors), and are generally happier and more optimistic with mentors by their sides (51% vs. 40% and 30% vs. 17%, respectively).

Indeed, fewer girls who have a mentor say they feel stressed (24% with a mentor vs. 41% without) and/or anxious (18% with a mentor vs. 36% without).

When we asked about the impact of early mentorship in sports, STEM and finance, the results were equally fascinating:

70% of girls would be less likely to quit their sport if they had a mentor.

86% say they’d be more willing to work toward harder or scarier STEM goals with a mentor.

93% say a finance mentor would give them more confidence about future goals.

When looked at as a whole, the picture becomes clear and a key solution becomes clearer.

There is so much data in this survey and I’m awed by all of it, but the most powerful takeaway for me was the 91% confidence x mentorship statistic.

And mentors are at the ready. As today’s press release notes:

Être will be partnering with The Female Quotient, a global equality organization that strategically partners with the largest companies in the world to close the gender gap, to connect global girls with powerhouse women and provide mentor moments as they begin to navigate the workforce. With a strong belief in mentorship in the moment and that the best advice comes from lived experiences, The Female Quotient, which is in the business of equality and has cultivated the largest global community of women in the workplace, will bring women across every category to provide the best advice from the women who have been there and accomplished that.”

This is where a solution comes to life. When women at the top of their game across every industry connect directly with girls planning big futures…that 91% becomes a reality.

JV athletes someday stand on Olympic podiums.

Science fair winners launch dreams into space.

Finance majors found tomorrow's start-ups that change the world.

With deep thanks to YPulse for helping us keep our finger on the pulse of today’s girls, and with epic gratitude for leaders who inspire top companies to close the gender gap, Être is committed to shrinking that 20% confidence drop and slamming the confidence gap shut for good.

Looking forward more than ever,


EXTRAS: Three more places you can be first to view and download Être’s powerful new survey: Our Research page, the Full 2024 Survey, and the related Infographic. Best part? Follow us on Insta or click here to hear directly from Être girls which stats resonated most and what mentorship means to them.


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